Arrow - The Eps 84.85 & more ... CD


German Cult Metal Band CD Release with a lot of Bonus Songs

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*We are not responsible for damaged delivery. Please note that we ship out every item unplayed in MINT condition(or if it is different for a reason we mention it!) If you receive damaged parcel or the vinyl sleeve has any problems because of the delivery please contact your local post office!


1 New York Breakdown
2 Horizon In Flame
3 The End Of A Rocker
4 Run To Hell
5 Slave Of Garon Castle
6 Heavy Metal Hero
7 Built To Destroy
8 You Don't See My Soul
9 Drivin' Devil
10 Satan's Son
11 Outro

Manufacturer:/ Responsible Person:
FHM Records
Frank Hirnschal
Raubachstrasse 30
74906 Bad Rappenau
[email protected]

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