Feeling B Hea hoa hoa hea hea hoa WITH EXTRA SIGNED COVER ART

27.99 - 29.99

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For security reason we separate the vinyl from the cover,so we open the shrink and put the record behind the sleeve to avoid damage during delivery!If you wish to receive it FACTORY SEALED please mention it when you place your order but in this case we do NOT take responsibility for damaged vinyl/sleeve!!

Black and white vinyl with extra cover art signed by Flake. This is an extra insert,the original vinyl sleeve is NOT signed. Please make sure that you check your parcel carefully so you can find the insert inside the box!


With every purchase we donate 4 EUR to the Berlin Kinderhospiz!

*We don't ship any parcels to Russia and Belarus at the moment. Thank you for understanding!
*We are not responsible for damaged delivery. Please note that we ship out every item unplayed in MINT condition(or if it is different for a reason we mention it!) If you receive damaged parcel or the vinyl sleeve has any problems because of the delivery please contact your local post office!

Manufacturer:/ Responsible Person:
FHM Records
Frank Hirnschal
Raubachstrasse 30
74906 Bad Rappenau
[email protected]

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